Does Your Family Have a Core Values Statement?

What is it that anchors your family through good times and bad? What ideals and values do you lead your family with? What values are most important to you to pass on to those you love the most?

Is it Faith? Teamwork? Achievement? Academics?Perhaps it is a combination of many.

If someone asked one of your children “What are the most important beliefs and values in your family?” how would your son or daughter respond?

Core Values Statements serve as an anchor for many successful businesses and institutions. It is something that CEOs and Managers lead their organizations with. A Core Values Statement often serves as a lighthouse when the path is unclear.

A Core Values Statement is often reinforced to employees and staff of an organization in order to establish a culture of intention in organizations around the globe.

You are the CEO of your family. You were charged with leading your family the same way a CEO is charged with leading his or her company. A Core Value Statement for your family can serve as an anchor through all of the ups and downs in life and can help to reinforce the vision and purpose in your family.